Our Leaders
Below is a list of the Friends of Historic Germantown’s Board of Trustees and Advisors. Soon, we’ll also feature community collaborators.
“Here they cleared the ground and built themselves huts, each according to his knowledge and ability.”
— an unnamed Palatine resident who came to Germantown from the Rhinelands in 1710.
(from Die Pfarrhaus by Walther V. Miller)
Our Team
FOHG’s mission is supported by the work of the incredible people involved with the organization.
Board of Trustees
President: Ethan Dickerman, Registered Professional Archaeologist, Historic Preservationist, Public Historian
Vice President: Ben Davidson, Preservationist, Columnist, and Antiques Specialist
Treasurer: Sharon Almstead, Finance
Secretary: Cheyenne Cutter, Cultural Resource Consultant & Museum Manager
Tony Albino, Ph.D., Medical Researcher & Activist
Pippa Biddle, Columnist, Preservationist, and Antiques Specialist
Richard Coons, Germantown Archivist & History Department Member
Steffen Hyder, Historic Preservationist, Archaeologist, Stonemason, & Woodworker
Emily Majer, Historic Preservationist, Public Historian, Tivoli - NY Deputy Major
Thomas Shannon, Germantown Historian, President of Palatines to America, Deputy Columbia County-NY Historian
Kate Wood, Historic Preservationist